Readers Response Summary

According to Hyundai (n.d.) website, under the section of “Kona Electric Sporty Performance” introduces its intelligent regenerative braking system (RBS). In general, when an electric vehicle (EV) with RBS brakes, the operation of the car motor reverses, hence generating electricity to recharge the battery (Energy5, 2023). It can adapt to traffic conditions or be controlled manually by the paddle shifters located behind the steering wheel, to control the level of regenerative braking. At the same time, the one-paddle mode can be achieved by pulling and holding the left paddle shifter. The purpose of this is to decelerate the vehicle without the usage of the conventional brake pedal. Charging is also strongest in the one-paddle mode (Hyundai, n.d.). In addition, according to Moore (2023), the Kona Electric offers a range of four distinct regenerative braking settings, spanning from 0 to 3. At level 0, there is no regenerative braking, while at level 3, regenerative braking is notably strong. The intelligent RBS employs the onboard radar sensor to automatically modulate the recuperative braking intensity in response to traffic conditions ahead. This allows the state of charge of the vehicle to be maintained at a healthy level. Furthermore, it has the capability to recognize whether the Kona Electric is ascending or descending slopes and makes appropriate adjustments. The intelligent RBS of Hyundai Kona Electric has contributing to the environment by reducing carbon emissions through energy conservation and efficiency, at the same time providing users better accessibility to the braking system.

Reference List:

Hyundai Motor Company Komoco Motors Pte Ltd. (n.d.). Kona Electric.

Energy5 (2023, September 26). The Benefits and Challenges of Using Regenerative Braking to Increase Electric Car Range.

Moore, A. (2023, February 25). 10 Reasons Why The Hyundai Kona Electric Is Better Than The Tesla Model 3.


  1. This is more so the research pathway than the reader response summary. These are two different posts but you seem to be mixing them.


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